Completed projects
Microbial Risk Assessment of Graywater Reuse using Quantitative Molecular Approaches, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), H. Christopher Frey (co-PI), $50,000, NC Water Resources Research Institute (6/1/2011-12/31/2012)
Identifying and Quantifying Functionally Active Denitrifying Microbial Populations in Complex Environments Using Catabolic Gene Expression Analysis, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), $299,990, National Science Foundation (6/1/2009- 12/31/2012)
Fate of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Deposit Forming Precursors in Sewer Systems, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), Joel J. Ducoste (co-PI), $50,000, NC Water Resources Research Institute (3/1/2010-2/28/2012)
Factors Affecting the Formation of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Deposits in Sewer Systems, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), Joel J. Ducoste (co-PI), $50,000, NC Water Resources Research Institute (3/1/2009-2/28/2011)
Graduate Training in Molecular Biotechnology at NC State, R. M. Kelly (PI), many co-PIs, National Institutes of Health, 7/1/2010 – 6/30-2015, $1,724,560
Alternative Water & Waste Management Processes for Local Governments Study, C. M. Williams (PI), S. Liehr, K. Zering, F. L. de los Reyes III (Co-PIs), NC Rural Development Center, $25,000 (12/10/2008 – 09/30/2009)
Study of Landfill Gas as a Pathway for Chemical and Biological Contaminants, Principal Investigators: Mort Barlaz (PI), Knappe, D. R. U. (co-PI) and de los Reyes, F. L. (co-PI). US Environmental Protection Agency, $700,000, (8/25/04 – 12/31/09)
Impacts of Sampling and Handling Procedures on DNA- and RNA-based Microbial Characterization and Quantification of Groundwater and Saturated Soil, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), Robert C. Borden (co-PI), $487,955, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, (3/1/2007- 2/28/2009)
Effects of Biological Drain Products on Grease Interceptors: Microbiological and Chemical Characterization, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), $128,162, Consumer Specialty Products Association, (08/2007-1/2009)
NSF IREE: International Research and Education in Engineering, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), $19,650, National Science Foundation (08/2006- 07/2009, Supplement to NSF MIP funding with Dr. Joel Ducoste and Dr. Michael Hyman)
Hydrogen Production at the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill: A Proposal to Explain Landfill Behavior, Mort Barlaz (PI), F .L. de los Reyes III (Co-PI), $299,980 (includes a $58,968 sub contract to Dr. Roger Babcock at the University of Hawaii, Waste Management of Hawaii, (03/2007-09/2008)
Ecophysiology of Nitrifying and Denitrifying Communities and their Interactions in Microbial Flocs, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI) and Joel Ducoste (Co-PI), and Michael Hyman (Co-PI, Microbiology), National Science Foundation, Microbial Observatories-Microbial Interactions and Processes, $430,000, (7/01/04 to 6/30/09)
Molecular Analysis of an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), $16,000, CH2M-Hill, (4/1/2007 – 9/31/2007)
Molecular and Engineering Approaches for Analyzing Microbial Selection in Activated Sludge: Competition between Filaments and Floc-formers, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), NSF CAREER $375,000, (7/1/01 to 6/30/07)
Assessment of the Behavior of Chemical and Biological Contaminants in Landfills, Principal Investigators: Mort Barlaz (Knappe, D. R. U. and de los Reyes, F. will also be working on this project) US Environmental Protection Agency, $100,000, (12/15/03 – 8/15/04)
Microbial Community Profiling of Anaerobic Refuse Decomposition: Response to Acidic Conditions, Shock Loads and Moisture Addition, M. A. Barlaz (PI), F. L. de los Reyes III (senior investigator), $129,794, Waste Management Inc., 4/1/04 – 3/31/05.
Investigating Steam Application for Reducing Foaming in Activated Sludge Systems, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), $ 14, 260, Hazen and Sawyer, 7/15/04 – 12/31/05
Fundamental Analysis of a Novel Swine Wastewater Treatment Technology, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI) and J. Cheng (co-PI), US Department of Agriculture- National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program (USDA-NRICGP), $ 320,000, (8/1/01 to 7/31/05).
Improving Dewatering of Wastewater Biosolids Using Innovative Approaches, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), NC Water Resources Research Institute, $40,000 (6/01/03 to 12/31/04).
Development of a Non-Isotopic Procedure for Probing Bioaugmented Organisms, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), Novozymes Biologicals, Inc., $25,000 (7/1/02 to 1/31/03)
System-wide Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Genetic Algorithms, Hydromantis Inc. (in-kind support) and NSF REU Program ($12,000, 6/01 to 12/02) Co-PIs: Francis L. de los Reyes III, Dan Loughlin and Joel Ducoste
Development and Characterization of an rRNA-Targeted Oligonucleotide Hybridization Probe for Bacillus licheniformis, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), Sybron Chemicals Inc., $15,000 (3/1/01 to 7/31/01)
Needs Assessment and Troubleshooting of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems in North Carolina, F. L. de los Reyes III (PI), University Extension Grants Program, $15,000 (7/1/00 to 6/1/01)